Greetings Roadrunner Families!
We are so excited to introduce our 2025 after school enrichment programs! We have a variety of exciting clubs for your students, including Henna, music, art, crafts, and more. All of our clubs are led by RRD teachers and staff.
Clubs will begin the last week or February or early March and last 6 weeks. To access our Club Catalog, please select the Registration button in the menu above where you can preview the clubs. Registration will take place online, starting Friday, January 31 at 12pm. Registration closes on February 18th at 12pm.
How This Works
Find your clubs in the Club Catalog and then Register for them. You can register for multiple clubs at a time, but only one child at a time. On the Registration page, you filter the club by Day and Grade.
You’ll receive an email once you have registered, and another email once your payment has been processed. If you need a receipt, please email and write Rolling Ridge ES in the email’s subject header. All clubs are taught by RRD teachers and staff. The grade levels for each class are also listed below the class name. There will be capacity limits on club sizes, so sign up as soon as possible to avoid missing out! You can register for as many clubs as you like!
Getting to the Activity
At school dismissal time, students will be escorted to the Multipurpose room. The club instructor will escort the students to the appropriate classroom. If your student cannot attend the after school program, please fill out the club attendance form before 2pm on the day of the program. The attendance form can be found at
Club Dismissal Procedures
- Students will be walked to the gymnasium by their club instructor and will be picked by parents at door B3. No one is allowed to enter the school to pick up their student.
- Students who are in 4th or 5th grade may walk themselves home, with parent approval.
- An authorized adult must sign each child out of his/her class. Please have your ID ready to show the instructor before signing out your child. Parents/guardians must show an ID the first two weeks or until the teacher recognizes the parent/guardian. Your child will only be released to a person listed on their registration form. If someone other than a parent or previously authorized person is picking up your child, parents must email the update to both the class teacher and the school ( by 12pm the day of class.
- Refunds can be issued up until the start date of the class, minus a 6% fee. There will be no refund if a student is disenrolled at any point once the class begins.
- If a class must be canceled due to low enrollment, you will receive a full refund from the PTA.
Financial Aid
Financial aid is available to families that request it. Financial aid is available on a first come-first serve basis. Please make sure you check the financial aid box during the registration process. Only one club per child will be offered for free. Eligible families may receive financial aid for one class per child, per session.
- Please review the following policies and LCPS Code of Conduct with your student.
- I understand the following Behavior Policy and agree to it when I sign my student up for an after school enrichment program class: Cooperative behavior makes enrichment programs fun and safe for all. If a student is seriously disruptive or unsafe during class, the first time is a warning and parents are contacted. The second time, the student may not continue with the program, with no refund. I have confirmed that my student is motivated to take the registered class(es) in order to create a good experience for all involved.
- I will inform the instructor if my child needs reasonable accommodations in order to participate in activities. In the event of a medical emergency, the teacher will call 911 and contact parent(s)/guardian(s).
- Low Enrollment Cancellation: I understand that if the class I enroll my student in is canceled due to low enrollment, I will receive a refund, or have the option for 24 hours to be placed in another class. If I do not respond via email within 24 hours, I will automatically receive a refund.
- There are NO makeup days if your child is absent from school.
Health Concerns
During after school programs the school clinic is closed. We do not have access to the school nurse or any of your child’s health information. If your child is injured or becomes ill, your child’s teacher will contact you or the emergency contact designated by you on your registration form.
We are looking forward to a fun session of after school programs!
Rolling Ridge Elementary PTA Board